Dual Nature Of Radiation And Matter

Dual Nature Of Radiation
Dual Nature Of Radiation And Matter! The dual nature of radiation and matter is an important concept discussed in Class 12 Physics. The concept discusses the particle and wave nature of matter. This article aims to give you a brief overview of the duality of matter.
Essential Concepts in Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
Some of the important concepts of the dual nature of radiation and matter are:
Electron Emission
The free electrons of the metal are held at the metal surface by the attractive forces of ions. The electrons are liberated from the surface when a minimum amount of energy is applied to them. This minimum energy required by an electron to escape the surface is known as the metal’s work function.
Various Methods of Electron Emission
Thermionic Emission
By supplying a sufficient amount of thermal energy or heat, electrons can be made to come out of the metal.
Field Emission
By supplying a strong electric field to metals, electrons can be pulled out of the metal surface.
Photoelectric Emission
When the light of suitable frequency falls on the metal surface, electrons are emitted. The photoelectric effect is a phenomenon of electrons being emitted from the metallic surface when illuminated by ultraviolet radiation.
De Broglie Hypothesis
De Broglie postulated the relationship between momentum and wavelength with respect to the Quantum theory of matter. Mathematically, this is represented in the following form:
λ = h/P
where P is the momentum of the particle under study and h is Planck’s Constant.
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle states that both the momentum and position of a particle cannot be determined simultaneously.
Davisson And Germer Experiment
The Davisson and Germer Experiment first proved the wave nature of electrons.
Experimental Setup:
The experimental setup consists of the following parts:
Electron Gun: It is a tungsten filament that emits electrons via thermionic emission.
Collimator: The accelerator is enclosed within a cylinder that has a narrow beam for the electrons along its axis.
Electrostatic Particle Accelerator: Two oppositely charged plates that are employed to accelerate electrons at a known potential.
Detector: It is used to capture the scattered electrons from the Ni Crystal.
Target: It is a Nickel crystal over which the electron beam is fired.
The chapter exercises and questions given in the class 12 physics NCERT textbooks review the concepts discussed in the dual nature of matter and radiation thoroughly. Make use of the NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Physics to verify the answers to the questions.
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