Highly Anticipated Netflix Shows in Fall 2022

Netflix Shows in Fall 2022
What better way to wind down on the weekend than to watch your favorite shows on Netflix? Lucky for you, there are quite a few shows in line that are set to release this Fall, with some of them already released.
Even though some shows have been released, they are still considered highly anticipated shows. To stream Netflix, you need to make sure you have a flawless internet connection. There are multiple ways to get that connection at an affordable rate. The following paragraph elaborates on one of them.
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Moving back to the Netflix shows coming soon, here are some shows that you should have on your list since they seem captivating enough:
Cobra Kai Season 5
The feud between Daniel LaRusso and Terry Silver finally comes to an end. Cobra Kai is the continuation of the 80s classic Karate Kid and the best part about this show is that it has the same cast members as the original movie, except all of them have significantly grown up.
In the 5th season, Daniel teams up with his childhood rival, Johnny Lawrence, as both of them fight to stop Terry Silver from expanding his kingdom of Cobra Kai where he teaches children the negative side of karate.
Not only does Daniel reunite with Johnny but he also calls on other antagonists from the previous movies such as Chozen from the village of Okinawa where Daniel’s mentor was originally from. The series was left at a cliffhanger that has people asking for more, so now we wait and see if Cobra Kai is renewed for a 6th season.
The Midnight Club
The Midnight Club is set to release in the first week of October. It is another series by Mika Flanagan, who was the mastermind behind The Haunting of Hill House and The Haunting of Bly Manor.
The show is about a group of 8 members who refer to themselves as The Midnight Club. Every night, all of them meet up so that they could tell each other creepy stories.
In the process, they also intend to call upon the dead and supernatural, so that they can keep in contact with them. The idea behind The Midnight Club was taken from the popular books by Christopher Pike under the same name. Now we can’t wait for October 7th, which is the premiere date for the show.
Conversations with a Killer: The Jeffrey Dahmer Tapes
The kind of documentary that would give you goosebumps. The Jeffrey Dahmer Tapes is a documentary series divided into three parts. It is about the case of Jeffrey Dahmer, who was a very notorious serial killer, just like Ted Bundy.
The documentary features the conversations that Jeffrey had with his legal team and it gives the watcher a perspective on how he used to target marginalized communities on the basis of their sexuality, class, and their race. The documentary shows how twisted one could be and how psychological problems cause people to on murder sprees, thinking they could get away with it.
The show starring Amy Santiago from Brooklyn Nine-Nine, except this isn’t Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Blockbuster is about a man named Timmy who still believes in the supremacy of Blockbuster stores, even though the world has progressed further with streaming apps like Netflix and Amazon Prime.
Timmy soon finds out that he is running the only Blockbuster in the entire country and he fights so that his store would still remain relevant. Timmy’s philosophy is that Blockbuster offers its customers something that streaming services cannot, which is social interaction.
He says that the best part about Blockbuster is that people have to physically go to a Blockbuster store, browse from the collection, get help from the staff and interact with people so they are introduced to more content.
The show always had everyone hooked with its brilliant story. Passengers board a plane not knowing it vanished for 5 years while in the air. It turns out that there was a lot more at play as there is confusion between everything being due to science or faith.
Season 4 of Manifest will have a total of 20 episodes that will be split into two parts. The show picks up from the aftermath of the tragedy that took place in the Stone family and how all of them are coping with their loss.
Ben has to fight multiple battles as he mourns his loss, searches for his kidnapped daughter, and a lot more. Watch as everything unfolds and the secret behind the Flight 828 mystery is figured out.
Wrapping Up
2022 is an exciting year in terms of the shows that are coming out. All of these shows have the kind of storylines that would have their audience at the edge of their seats, asking for more at any given moment!