Should you use an app builder software?

app builder
Should you use app builder software! Hey, this is the Daily Overpass! My name is Eric I make apps! So today, let’s answer the question of what kind of App Builder Software should I use? Alright. so today, I want to answer a question that came in a few days ago from Noah Johnson.
He said, “What app building programs and websites do you recommend? I just build three apps off ofGoodBarber. Would it be okay to build apps for clients from these drag-and-drop app builders instead of coding the app from scratch?”
And it looks they’re like the WordPress of a web developer. I don’t know if you remember back in the day when you had to get a custom HTML developer, do all your code, but now, you just get a theme, you do everything – do everything yourself and you have that control.
And my clients would – a lot of my clients would like that kind of stuff. One of the big questions they always ask us, can I change this after you give it to me? So, giving them a custom-like business app solution or AppyPie or GoodBarber solution would be great.
Like six months ago, I would have said, “Yes, definitely. The big one at the moment is that Apple, a few months ago, they came out – they came out with that rule, I think it was four point two point six (4.2.6) or four-point two point nine (4.2.9).
I can’t remember, but basically, they said any apps generated with a wizard were not going to be accepted, which would be made no sense. Because there nothing to do with the quality of the app.
It just had to be with – with the tool that was used to create it and there was this big petition – for those of you, regular viewers you’ll know there was that big petition and everything, and Apple softens their language on that.
So what they’re saying is, that if you release it for your clients, make sure that they have their own individual account. So, you don’t want to release them all underneath your account.
And I don’t know how stringent they are with that now. So the other – and on the Android side, the big problem – cuz I checked I mean, I did a lot of research on this about two years ago because this is what I wanted to do.
I thought this would make it – this would make things much easier, make my life a lot simpler if my clients can update their stuff. We started a project that was similar to this.
We called the project Viaduct and it – we got about, hmmm, from 60% of the way through with it and just never finished. It was just like to do this, it’s gonna be too hard. So, you know, all these, like Good Barber, AppyPie, all that stuff, they have their reseller accounts, so it’s contacting all of them.
And one of the big downsides on the Android side, at least as of a year and a half ago, was that you couldn’t get the Keystore files for Android. So let’s say, you release an app using one of these tools and you put it on to Google Play, and it does really, really well.
But then, your client wants to do something that the tool doesn’t allow and you want to just continue the development on that. On the iPhone, you can. I mean. on iOS, it’s fine because you could just do a new application in a new language and sign it with the same key and everything.
But because you don’t have access to that on Android, then you pretty much just have to create a new one from scratch and you lose all that audience and stuff like that.
So now, I’d – know to be honest with you, to be 100% honest with you, I’m not sure if that’s still the case because I’ve never used Google Play’s new signing utility. I’m still – I’m still doing the Keystore file.
(laughs) I trust the Keystore files so I just – I’m still generating the Keystore, I’m compiling that into the app, and releasing them for all the client apps – for our apps., for all of them. So, I’m not sure that still the case.
But if you do talk to – what I would do is I’ll talk to GoodBBarber, asked about the Apple permissions or the Apple reject rates and all that kind of stuff. A lot of these – a lot of these app builder tools which are great, I think they’re fantastic, it’s just that unlike the web, where everything is free and open, Apple came in and clamp down on it for no apparent reason at all.
So, check with them to make sure that you can actually release it on the App Store. Do a couple of tests yourself, you know, tell your clients -one of the things that I’m always doing is showing my clients how to set up App Store, you know, here are the instructions on how to set up yeah, iTunes Connect, here’s how to set up the Google Play Store.
And they always call with the same questions, “How do I get uh, what is it, the TIN account or the PIN account whatever. Those different numbers that you need. Make sure your clients know how to do that and you release it underneath their name.
So anyway, that’s what I think. For those of you who are actually working with this app builder software, if you find any difficulties or hiccups, because like I said, I’ve done a lot of investigating into this and I just haven’t actually pulled the trigger and done it myself, because it was just easier.
I felt like I just had more control if we just coded ourselves. So, for those of you actually use this kind of thing, help Noah out here and let us know the kind of experiences you’ve had. You might think that they’re great.
Are you having trouble now since the beginning of the year releasing these to the iTunes App Store? And anyway – so anyway, Noah, I hope that helps. That’s it for today. I’ll talk to you, guys, tomorrow!
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