
How to Generate a Company Name Online

Creating a brand isn’t easy, but one of the first steps in building a successful company is coming up with an attractive and memorable name. This can be a daunting task, but fortunately, there are tools and resources available to help generate ideas. Here, we’ll explore some options for generating a company name online.

Use a Business Name Generator Tool

Online business name generator tools can be really helpful when you’re looking for ideas. By using your business type, market niche, or a few keywords that describe your brand, these tools can automatically generate a list of potential names. Some of the popular name generator tools include:

  • Namelix: This tool creates brand names and checks if the domain name is available too. Namelix has a simple user interface, and you can choose the length of your brand name and include keywords.
  • Shopify Business Name Generator: Shopify offers a free business name generator tool that allows you to enter several keywords related to your business. Once you’ve entered your keywords, the tool will generate a list of potential names that relate to your business.
  • Brandroot: This tool claims to create unique and brandable names that are catchy and memorable. However, unlike other name generator tools, Brandroot is not free and requires payment to use.

Consider Name Suggestions from Others

Sometimes, another person’s perspective can help you think outside the box. Consider asking friends, family, or even strangers for ideas by posting on forums or social media platforms. You can ask them to share a few adjectives that describe your business or simply brainstorm ideas with you. And, if you’re feeling adventurous, you could even run a contest for the best business name with a prize for the winner.

Research Competitor’s Names

When brainstorming for names, it’s wise to research your competitor’s brands for ideas. Make a list of your competitors, and study the names and messaging they use. Getting an idea of what names work well within your industry will give you a sense of what to avoid and what to strive for. Additionally, it will ensure that you don’t accidentally choose a name that’s too similar to someone else in the same market.

Use a Thesaurus

Using a thesaurus can be a great way to find words that relate to your brand. You can start by writing down your company’s mission statement or a few adjectives that describe your brand, and then use a thesaurus to find similar words. For example, if you’re starting a travel company, you might use words like “wanderlust” or “adventure” to generate ideas.

Keep It Simple

Keep your business name simple and easy to spell to help customers remember it. Aim for a name that is easy to pronounce and is available as a domain name on popular domain extensions such as .com. The shorter, the better, as shorter names tend to be more memorable. It’s a good idea to avoid hyphens and numbers in your name as it makes it harder to remember or spell.


Generating a company name is a crucial step in building and branding your company. It’s important to keep in mind the message of your brand and what it represents when selecting a company name. Business name generators, getting input from others, competitor research, using a thesaurus, and keeping it simple are all ways to get the ball rolling towards finding the perfect name for your company. Good luck!

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Rizwan Malik

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