Fashion Hacks! Hey, having some trouble there? OK, are these trick laces or something? Why can’t I tie these darn things?! Woah, that’s one crazy knot you’ve there. Who taught you the thanks to tying your shoes?
Oops! Better tie mine too! Woah! study that fancy finger work! are you able to show us how it’s done, Vicki? Simply take the strings in your pinkies, twist them around your pointer and thumb, pull, and bam! You’re done!
See, that’s the thing about fashion hacks! Don’t worry, Lana, we’ve got a full bunch of recent DIY tricks coming right at cha. Ooh! looks as if we’re partying tonight!
And with parties comes having fun and chatting together with your friends. But a word to the wise: don’t take a sip of soda before your friend gives the gag line to her joke. Oh my gosh, Vicki, I’m so sorry!
It’s all good. I’m just, uh, gonna run to the restroom really quick. If you’re ever the victim of an embarrassing spill at a celebration, don’t freak out! Just think outside of the box.
If you happen to possess on pants like these, simply take your shoes off and place both your legs into one of the pant holes. make sure to not fall! Now pull the waist all the high, covering your chest.
What about the remaining leg, you ask? Simply put your arm through it and voila! You’re rocking an excellent asymmetrical look! Yep, no one’s gonna remember you’re unfortunate spill once you walk come in this number.
Woah! did you shop back there? You look amazing! Wait a sec, were those your pants? It’ll be our little secret. Well, let’s raise a glass to happy accidents, shall we? Cheers! Aw! study these two love birds!
Hey, you guys really know what you’re doin’! How romantic. Ooh! Hey, it’s okay, just be careful. appears like nothing’s ruining this gorgeous night, even toe pain! Oh no! I’m so sorry! Are you alright?
Okay, it’s finally time for the foremost impressive move of the night! Lana! Your dress! Kevin! How could you? Oh man, Kevin could even be single after tonight. What am I visiting do? This dress is completely ruined!

who knew you’ll fit a ukulele therein little purse? I accustomed be wondering where I had left this shoe! What can’t you fit in there?! Hey! Here’s something I can use! As weird because it sounds, a stapler could do the trick here! Things are on the brink of getting crafty up in here.
For a tear like Lana’s, you’ll want to position the staples on the within hem so that they don’t show on the surface. Simply run all the far the full hem, even where it isn’t torn so that the hem matches on the surface.
Hey! Not too shabby for a last-minute fix, Lana! Think you’re able to brave the flooring one last time? I’m wondering when Lana’s initiating, she’s taking forever in there! Hey Kevin, wanna dance?
Eh, no biggie, I actually quite prefer it better this way. Aw! Nothing can stop this dancing couple! Alright, I’d better get off to class it’s nearly 8:30! These new jeans are super nice, I just wish they didn’t quite see you in a while.
See what I mean? I wonder if I’ll regret wearing them. Nah, I’m sure it’ll be fine. Hmm, I’m wondering if any of my friends found a table yet. Vicki! over here, girl! Oh no!! She’s totally gonna place plant it before the full school cafeteria!
I sure hope you didn’t want those fries. Yep, this may be definitely gonna hurt. And Boom! Floor, meet Vicki. Uh man, that was so embarrassing! Think that lots of individuals saw?
Wish you hadn’t worn those pants now, huh? Hey! I’ve got an idea! The hair elastics are just about to save the day. Roll up your pant legs into an outsized cuff like this. Next, take one in every of your hair elastics and wrap it around the middle of the cuff before rolling it goes in reverse over it.
Keep going and also the elastic will catch the underside in order that they won’t roll all the way down. Hey guys! Did you miss me? So I feel, it’s not the highest in the world, right? Aw, you guys are the only friends ever!
Thanks! Another fashion crisis averted! Sometimes spending a Friday night reading a good book is much-needed. Huh? I’m wondering who that may be. Hey Vicki! Are you able to go? Uh, why aren’t you in your costume yet?
Oh yeah! The superhero party’s tonight! I completely forgot! Okay, just give me five minutes I’ll be right back! Oh man, what am I able to become a superhero costume in five minutes? That won’t work, that won’t work…
Hey! I feel I can do something with this! Hmmm… Oh, I do know what I’ll do! If you’re during a very DIY costume jam, a computer print-out is your relief. Hey, I think I do know what you’re going for, Vicki! Take your shirt and lay it flat. Then cut out your print very carefully.
It’s important to make sure none of the studies is left on there. There you go! Take a sheet of wrapping and lay it over the spot you’d like your print to travel. Next, place the print on top so it’s back is touching the plastic.
Now cover the front of the print with another sheet of wrapping. Next, take some paper and lay it right on top of the cut-out. Once it’s placed where you would like it.
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